Setting up Raspberry Pi
This week we have big news, we have chosen to leave the Arduino behind to make room for the more powerful Raspberry Pi. This decision was made due to the fact that the Raspberry Pi is more developer friendly with an OS and thereby seems to suit our need better.
We have created a repository with some baseplate code for establishing an internet connection which means that we no longer need to use an external screen for the device but only ssh into it via terminal over the internet and can thereby work more efficiently.
Today we also got our ultrasonic distance sensor which we began playing with. We quickly noticed that we would need more equipment, especially more suitable resistors than what was available. We are planning on acquiring these components during the weekend or at latest at the start of week.
The next step is to acquire all of the required components to be able to start assembling the basic functions of our toy. We think that this is more important at the moment than getting the toy itself since one we have the Raspberry Pi working with corresponding software all we need to do is to mount it on the toy.